PlanetPalz March 14th Update

Hey Palz! The main chunk of this week’s update is our new UI for the website. We previously hired a team but weren’t happy with the result so we’ve hired a new UI team which is already blowing us away. Just look at that landing page preview!
Our previous UI team made a good effort with the website but unfortunately we weren’t 100% confident with it. We’ve hired a new, and more experienced, UI team and now have a completely new, more modern, style. Please view the included image for a preview of the landing page.
The new UI team is very responsive and adaptable, willing to take our comments on board and test and adjust until we’re happy. Another bonus of employing a new UI team is the ability to adapt more features as they do weekly sprints. See the bullet points below for a few features they’re working on currently:
- Crafting page for planet and item creation, item upgrading and item disassembly
- Staking page for OG planets
- Refreshed leaderboard for guilds and players
- A new lorepedia page where you can find more details on different planets, items and materials
- A landing page solely for educating new users on PlanetPalz quickly and efficiently
- An updated marketplace for planets, items and materials
The new UI has allowed us to develop a more refined color palette and design style. This is really exciting for us as our graphic designer is now refining the planet and upgrade materials and galaxy dust to suit better with the website and our overall design language.
Our illustrator is nearly finished with the final edits on Sol which will complete the character designs for our story. We’ll then be moving onto the designs of the new planet NFT characters and items which will allow us to create marketing material and introduce the planet creation functionality. Our lore writer is doing a fantastic job at making sure the items such as armor, accessories and weapons tie into our story accurately. We’re very excited to show you the development of the equipment for the new planets and their different series.
Have a great weekend everyone!